Catch up with The Escapist's packed Indie Showcase stream | El Hijo - A Wild West Tale | Gamehypes

Catch up with The Escapist's packed Indie Showcase stream

El Hijo - A Wild West Tale

El Hijo is an exciting spaghetti-western stealth game, in which you guide a 6-year-old boy on his quest to find his mother.

We’re in the swing of it now, eh readers? Today’s kinda-sorta-E3 2020 streams are well underway, starting with The Escapist’s Indie Showcase earlier this afternoon. Fronted by that fast-talking internet lad from Zero Punctuation, the showcase kicked off today’s festivities with a flood of 80 game trailers over a 2-hour run-time. Frankly, that’s a lotta games, so here’s our rundown of what you may have missed.
