Catch Me! Demo is now LIVE!

Catch Me!

Compete online against your friends and other players in this chaotic and fast paced 4-player game of tag! Race across different locations, jump through windows, electrocute the other players or throw cats at them. (No cats were harmed in the production of this game.)

Hey, good to see you here. If you've found your way here, very nice. Our demo of Catch Me! is now live on Steam. To celebrate, we have a brand new teaser for you: [previewyoutube=xO9-LIP6_VM;full][/previewyoutube] Catch Me! is a competetive online platformer for 4 players and the most action loaded game of tag you have ever played with your friends. Use interactables to change the world. Close windows to stop your chasers, open up a new escape route or simply stun pursuers. We would also be very happy if you participated in our little [url=]Survey[/url]. If you're looking for a place to chat with the devs or exchange ideas with other players, we also have a [url=]Discord[/url]. Enjoy our game. See Ya! Catch Me! Dev Team