Car Trader Simulator in The Steam Awards - "Labour of Love"!

Car Trader Simulator

Do you know how to profit from trading cars while maintaining a good reputation? Car Trader Simulator lets you play the role of an American car dealer. Your goal is to get rich. How you do it depends entirely on you.

[h1]Hello Traders![/h1] [h2]Car Trader Simulator is joining the ranks of games nominated for Steam Award in the category "Labour of Love"![/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31151725/a378487d2c289a1ae74c8a2c70d67f586d438842.png[/img] Car Trader Simulator is a game that allows you to become an American trader dealing with cars. You are here to make fantastic deals, please your customers and find personal satisfication in finding just the right way to deal with random events that influence your gameplay in various ways! Few patches ago we were very happy to introduce the possibility to add your own cars to the game which translated into many of our players completely reconfiguring their gameplay! We are always very pleased to see the creative side of our players and we can't wait to see more! To add to that - we're not stopping here. Our game is still in Early Access and we'd still love to hear more from you regarding what you would like to see added to the game. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31151725/870de211caeb4b94482ed5d7d5f426eab349d271.png[/img] As that is the case we, once again, ask for your votes - if you believe that Car Trader Simulator deserves the Steam Award - be sure to vote for our game! We appreciate each of you who decide to do so and we hope to bring you much more fun in coming months! Best regards, Car Trader Simulator Team [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33426656/3275740acc70c627275e89ee73f2cec9575f4e27.png[/img][/url]