Captain Blood Demo

Ahoy, brave pirates! ⚓ First, a heartfelt thank you for setting sail with us and taking the time to dive into the Captain Blood demo. This game has had quite a journey—it went through several iterations in the 2000s, was last shown in 2010, and then disappeared for years. Now, we’re thrilled to be bringing it back, and your support means the world to us. As you step into the boots of a fearsome pirate on your quest for gold and glory, your feedback is more valuable than ever. We're committed to staying true to the original design and honoring the hard work of the original team. That said, we'd love to know: What did you enjoy? What could be improved? Your input is key in shaping the final experience. Now, a quick heads-up: we're still hard at work on a few things, so you may notice some unfinished elements. Here’s a glimpse of what’s still in the works: * We're finishing up a new render that will bring features like motion blur, improved bloom, HDR, widescreen support, Ground-Truth Ambient Occlusion, Temporal Anti-Aliasing, and more. For now, the demo runs on DirectX 9. * Not all language localizations are fully integrated yet. * We’re tweaking the Quick-Time Events for smoother gameplay. * All character models have been reworked, but we’re still polishing their animations. * Some UI bugs may pop up, especially at lower resolutions. * And, of course, we’ve got a few funny bugs still onboard—like enemies getting stuck in midair or finishers being a bit rough around the edges! 😆 We can't wait to hear your thoughts and appreciate any feedback you want to share with us here. Thanks for being part of this exciting pirate journey, and we hope you enjoy the adventure! Best regards,
 SNEG Team