Capcom's Resident Evil 2 remake has now sold more than the PlayStation original

Resident Evil 7 biohazard Original Soundtrack

Resident Evil 7: biohazard Original Soundtrack contains 81 bone-chilling tracks including the extended version of Go Tell Aunt Rhody.

According to new figures released by Capcom, this year's superb Resident Evil 2 remake has now sold more copies than the PlayStation original's lifetime sales.

Squirrelled away in Capcom Japan's release date announcement for the freshly unveiled Resident Evil 3 remake is word that, as of 4th December 2019, the acclaimed Resident Evil 2 redo has sold "more than 5 million units" on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 since launching in January.

By contrast, the original Resident Evil 2, which initially released in January 1998 on the first PlayStation, has sold 4.96 million units according to Capcom's official figures, placing it at number seven in the publisher's list of best-selling titles.

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