The [i]BYTE[/i] Demo just got its first update!
As work continues on [i]BYTE[/i], I just pushed a new update to showcase a couple of the recent additions that I have finished up. These are the new things to check out!
As part of a push to make [i]BYTE[/i]'s cutscenes more cinematic and engaging, all major scenes in the game utilize the camera angle system that was previously on display in just a few core scenes. Additionally, the camera system has been built out to allow for more kinds of camera shots as well!
For the journal cutscenes, there is now a new "diorama" system that provides 3D artwork instead of just the plain image that was used before. This new system is on display in the scene at the end of July 7th and the final scene in the demo.
Exercise is important for everyone, including realtors! Now in the Solarium is a yoga mat that Jonathan can use to work out. Doing so increases his max MP, introducing more MP management into the game.
[h3]Dream Journals[/h3]
A second "Lucy's Dream Journal" sequence was added towards the end of the demo. This continues the story from the first Dream Sequence and introduces new a new character.