Rogue Jungle is an Action-Roguelike set in a procedurally generated jungle. Collect and merge weapon-cards to defeat enemy hordes and mighty bosses. Build up your village between the runs, to unlock new Characters, Items and weapons.
I started to develope Rogue Jungle 3 months ago and I really need early and helpful Feedback from you! Therefore I will upload Free to Play Playtest-Builds regularely! No need to sign up or wait, you can play right now!
[b]Game Version:[/b] v.0.0.2
[b]Development Time overall:[/b] 3 months
[u][b]Rogue Jungle is:[/b][/u]
-> Set in a procedurally generated jungle Dungeon
-> Filled with a lot of Upgrades and Variety
-> Combining Bullet-Heaven Gameplay with Dungeon-Crawling
Feel free to watch some (uncut) Gameplay-Footage of the game right here:
If you want to support me and the game on this journey, please consider wishlisting and follow the games steampage! I really appreciate your Support and can not wait to hear from you!
Thank you and best regards!
Zoroarts (Mateo)