[b]Alpha 1.46[/b]
Updated project to Unreal Engine 5.5.1
Mechanical enemy types can no longer be 'stunned', but they can 'malfunction' from taking static damage.
[b]Updated enemy: Breacher[/b]
[*]Made new character art asset that can better express its protected state (+ its a cool robot!).
[*]Updated sounds & portrait.
[*]Breacher is now 'mechanical' type
[*]Increased value of breacher, increased its HP, protection % amount & up time.
[*]Slowed and improved timing/telegraphing of its melee attack.
[*]Increased its minimum range for firing grenades & increased grenade AOE radius.
[*]Improved shooting AI, now determines the target spot earlier & added more warning time.
Updated Workbench & Button art.
Added new skill to Scan tree: Scan Vulnerability. -Causes Vulnerable SE for the duration of the scan. Req is lvl 3 scan.
Added screens to all lower deck entry areas to show the local mutation or give boss warning.
Improved targeting system with charge weapons (railgun and flame thrower) and optimized the calculations.
Reduced minimum ground click radius on Player.
Fixed spoke level mutations not being activated on enemies.
[b]Updated and tightened enemy AI setups in general[/b]
[*]Better melee strike timings.
[*]Enemies using abilities now should have windows where they can chase/melee. (some enemies would never strike even if they could)
[*]Aligned movement animation rates to size variations of Araclings.