Build 733


Take care of a group of travelers on a post-apocalyptic road-trip across the United States in this turn-based survival game.

This week was all about refinement - lots of little UI, level generation, audio, and graphics improvements in this patch: [list] [*] Re-skinned the Inspect view to match the Organize view! [*] Re-did some of the trading site logic so that traders usually start out next to tables (seems small but feels so nice) [*] Added new end-of-level audio cues that change depending on failure/victory/etc [*] Increased survivor movement speed by almost 10%. Feels nice! [*] Fixed some long-standing bugs with audio and lighting [*] Various balance + difficulty changes [/list] We've got one more small, mostly-audio patch coming early next week and then we'll be focusing on the big final content drop!