Bugfix release

Eternia: Pet Whisperer

Tired of the daily churn, only to come home to an empty apartment? The Rainbow Dome shelter will help you find the perfect partner to spice up your life! Check out our exotic selection of pets and you'll surely find the piece of you you've always been missing!

A new bugfix release is out. This fixes several stability issues on Windows and MacOS: [list] [*] [b]Windows[/b]: Fix issue with Windows exceptions causing the game to crash, usually in relation to certain antivirus programs like Avast. [*] [b]MacOS[/b]: Fix sound playback issues for devices with samplerates higher than 44.1kHz [*] [b]MacOS[/b]: Improve sound playback performance [*] [b]MacOS[/b]: Fix scaling issues arising from HiDPI displays [/list] Thank you for your patience and for playing Eternia!