Update now live with a few bug fixes. Notes: [list] [*] Pause bug fix (The time scale was reduced after pausing the game while changing heads/weapons). [*] Church button resets player position to prevent player flying in specific room. [*] Enemies won't blink after colliding a wall. [*] Castle exterior roof collider fix to prevent player flying using roll. [*] There was an infinite use of the goat head after rolling. [*] Now if you play in windowed mode, the game will stay at fixed resolution. [/list] Bugs can be reported here: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1304780/discussions/0/3142927376025945827/]https://steamcommunity.com/app/1304780/discussions/0/3142927376025945827/[/url] Thanks for your continued support. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1304780/Nongunz_Doppelganger_Edition/