[h2]Hello everyone, here is a quick update on how to solve this issue. [/h2]
For now, there is a separate build that should solve that issue, here is a little guide on how to access it!
People who encountered missing interactables and visual glitches in the main menu can also try to swap to see if it will fix those issues for them!
[b]Why didn't you release it as a patch?[/b]
Right now we are investigating a lot of bug reports, a lot of people encountered this specific issue, and for now, this was the fastest way to solve it so you can enjoy the game!
[b]Will we need to stay on that build forever?[/b]
No, as said. For now, this is the fastest way about it. But we plan to fix the issue for the main build as well, and at one point you will be swapped back to the normal one!
[b]Will this delete my progress once we swap back?[/b]
No worries, all your saves will stay intact!
[h3]Thank you for your patience and understanding, and stay magical![/h3]