[h1][b]Hi, partygoers.[/b][/h1]
[b]Issue-fixing patch v1.1.004.r is live. Here are the details:[/b]
[u]:partymask:Base game:partymask:[/u]
[*] Fixed brightness issue (screen going black & white gradually upon increasing in-game brightness)
[*] Fixed lighting issues
[*] Fixed 101% objective completion rate
[*] Fixed[spoiler]WIN THE FIGHT[/spoiler]hidden objective on [b]Punch Club[/b]
[*] Fixed ALL 3 save game profiles changing [i]"last played date & time"[/i]-name upon resuming the game on only one of them
[*] Reduced UFO appearing chance on [b]VIP Club[/b]
[*] Fixed bouncer talking to a dead person on [b]Club[/b] (Um... yeah, that's right. He [b]was[/b] talking to a dead person, actually. Now just... continue reading.)
[*] Removed a chicken from [b]VIP Club[/b] for more intuitive[spoiler]CHICKENS SURVIVED![/spoiler]hidden objective completion
[*] Fixed [b]Could've sold the bearskin, by the way...[/b] achievement
[*] Fixed local co-op switching to the single player in the [b]Twitch Intergation[/b] mode
[u]:partytongue:Level Editor:partytongue:[/u]
[*] Fixed light sources
[*] Fixed item duplicating issues
[*] Fixed item reducing issues
[*] Floor tiles now cannot be placed on roads and on the water
[*] Props from the [i]Construction/Wall decor[/i] category can now be selected properly
[*] Adjusted door sizes
[u]:PartyEye:Alien Butt Form DLC:PartyEye:[/u]
[*] [b]Marena[/b] now cannot stun cops
[*] [b]Marena[/b] now can hit enemies during main campaign boss fights
[*] Fixed TV set highlight on [b]Inferyes[/b]
[*] Fixed [b][i]Pepper spray[/i][/b] item
[*] Fixed [b]Mango the dog[/b] not spawning on [b]Parking Lot[/b] in cases of car crashes
If you run across any other issues, please let us know.:partypolice: