The long-awaited sequel to La-Mulana, La-Mulana 2 follows Lumisa Kosugi as she explores the ancient ruins of La-Mulana. Desperate to find the cause of the recent slew of monsters appearing from the ruins, Lumisa discovers the "other" La-Mulana: the ruins known as Eg-Lana.
Tower of Oannes is the brand new DLC for hit title La-Mulana 2. Revisit the ruins of Eg-Lana, following the discovery of survivors from a tribe believed to be extinct.
Exiled from Eg-Lana for lacking the required intelligence, the 4th Children have broken the seal to unleash an invincible power.
New area Tower of Oannes boasts a level of difficulty that rivals the Hell Temple and is the perfect gift for all the hardcore La-Mulana lovers out there. Get ready, it will take everything that you have to give.
La-Mulana 2 is currently on sale until 5/22. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience this critically acclaimed title before the release of Tower of Oannes.
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