Brand New Build

The Dragons' Twilight

Classic 90's Style Turn-Based RPG. All of the feels with minimal grind!

[h1]The New Build is Here At Last![/h1] [b]What does this mean:[/b] The previously updated build of Dragons’ Twilight was lost years ago and is now replaced by a new one working off the launch build. [b]Why did this take so long:[/b] This was a very daunting task. Going back to the launch build meant bringing back every bug and balance issue that was corrected since then. Some have been logged, many have not. I’ve just now found the time (and courage!) to work on this project. [b]Why risk a new build:[/b] The previous build could no longer be updated. Many issues, spelling errors, and one or two game breaking bugs still existed in the game that could not be fixed. Thanks to the wonderful players, Dragons’ Twilight currently has a 97% Positive rating which I am very grateful for, however I didn’t think it was deserved with those old bugs and other issues unresolved. With this new build I’m once again able to squash bugs and make changes as needed from here on out. You know, like a competent game dev! Unfortunately, old game saves may not be carried over and I apologize deeply for that. I hope that players who are interested will not mind starting over to see the positive changes for themselves. If any new bugs, spelling errors, or any other issues are found, please leave a note in the discussions page. They now can and WILL be fixed. Thank you for your patience and giving the game and myself a second chance! Without further blah blah blah, the notes: [h2]Brand new changes[/h2] New Cover art and logo added by Dragons’ Twilight II background and cover artist Roman Hodek (Nrekkvan@DeviantArt) Fixed an issue that occasionally caused the game screen to freeze while sounds continued to play in the background. The game now launches in “Full Screen” and may be toggled off in the options menu. Note that the aspect ratio remains the same. Added in various missing sound effects. Corrected numerous spelling errors. Some Easter eggs have been added. (Hint: Check an Elcid home and look deep under Kor Ruins) Changed the battle resource term GP to SP to be in line with Dragons’ Twilight II. It was also a little confusing since GP already exists in game as your currency “Gold Pieces.” Some abilities reference IP and have been removed. There is no such thing as IP. Changed the location of the MP healing circle in Kor ruins to be a little more noticeable. In the Orc Camp, the door opening scene should now only be triggered once. The game would sometimes freeze up while talking to Myalune’s Gatekeeper. This has been corrected. Alvar got a little ahead of himself when the player would try to leave Bliek from the south at the start of his chapter. He will now be on the right page of the story. Decorative chests with nothing in them will no longer open when interacted with. Speaking of chests, there was one in Myalune’s Garden that would change colors after opening. Fixed. In the Cursed Castle, there was a map that would sometimes turn into a glowing mist when inspected. You guessed it, that was not intentional. It is no longer possible to skip the Pyramid dungeon by dying in a specific place. Dale may be quick on his feet, but even he can no longer be in two places at the same time. Unified and shortened the text when interacting with bridge sections in Wychwood. Lurkers are now… lurking in the waters of Wychwood Lake. Look for signs of activity and row carefully. Added fencing around Bliek to keep the player from leaving without Bain in Alvar’s first chapter. Lazy Imp has been renamed to Drowsy Imp and its self-sleep ability goes off much quicker now. Clarified the descriptions of numerous spells. Judgement spell now has a chance of blinding targets as it should. Blind state now lowers accuracy by 60% (Previously 50%) Nash’s Tornado ability power increased by 50% Landric and Mia’s 100 SP abilities’ damage lowered by 20% Landric’s Rain of Pain damage increased by 25% Natalie’s Pure Heart ability now also heals the target’s HP by 50% Valerie’s Blade Sweep and Whirlwind damage increased by 50% Escape ability removed as it was problematic with scripted battles. Players may still use the Flee command to run from regular battles. Nearly all enemies now reward 10-20% more XP. Minimum grinding was advertised after all. The frequency of Darren and Darleen’s use of Sleep and Freeze spells was lowered a bit for the sake of your sanity. [h3]Re-fixes and Old Additions:[/h3] [i]Things that were fixed in the previous updated build. (From memory, the testers, and the good people who left feedback in the discussions page)[/i] Added Keyboard Configuration in Options menu Fixed an issue that would cause the events of the Lonely House to replay when the player returned. The game will no longer freeze up during the events of the Lonely House. Fixed an issue where the commander has no time for you if you lost the battle at Lorolt. There was a never-ending battle loop at Mt. Adamant that has been resolved. The player will no longer turn invisible after receiving the Master Light Tome. Kaia in dog form will not be standing on top of the walls after her scene in the Griffon’s Nest. In rare cases, Natalie was replaced by Rip, this should no longer happen. Fixed an issue where if you’re defeated by the first boss, the story would move on as if you’ve won. Reduced the price of consumables from 10-50% Tier 2 and 3 Elemental spell damage has been shifted around to be better balanced. Balanced Valerie’s Butcher Blossom ability. Sadly, this skill will no longer solo bosses. Natalie’s Miracle ability will now function properly. Alvar now learns the correct spell after his final test. Landric, Valerie, Bain, and Mia’s SP generation has been increased.