Bots Are Stupid v1.5

Bots Are Stupid

An ultra-precise 2D platformer where you give robots instructions instead of directly controlling them. Master the campaign levels or create and share your own. “It’s Mario Maker with coding” - Lewis Brindley, Yogscast.

[h2]Biggest changes:[/h2] [list] [*] [b]Live Script Editing:[/b] you can now edit the lines the bot hasn't reached yet. This is enabled by default and changes some of the shortcuts, but can also be disabled if you prefer the old way. [*] [b]Frame Locking:[/b] Right-click the reset button after the simulation has been started to lock the current frame. The simulation will then always be reset to that frame until it is unlocked. [*] [b]Massive Performance Improvements[/b]: high-tech world records are actually watchable now! [*] [b]'-tickrate' nerfs:[/b] recently, almost all of the leaderboards have been dominated by some form of tickrate manipulation where the tickrate is changed multiple times mid-run to allow for more favorable physics calculations. Even though this is super interesting in theory, it will have to be (temporarily) removed, since it makes it way more tedious to find perfectly optimized runs and is also extremely confusing for newer players checking out the highscores. Instead, the command will only be usable once at the beginning of the script and will only accept the following parameters: 'low' (50 tick), 'legacy' (128 tick) and 'high' (1000 tick). However, all of the affected scripts have been saved and this will definitely return as some sort of challenge mode/leaderboard in the future. [/list] [h2]Full list of changes:[/h2] [list] [*] [b][NEW][/b] TextEditor: Added ability to edit the instructions while the simulation is running [*] [b][NEW][/b] TextEditor: Added improved script auto-saving [*] [b][NEW][/b] TextEditor: Added dark mode [*] [b][NEW][/b] TextEditor: Added an option to pause the simulation on start, accessible by right-clicking the start button (if a skip-point is set, this will pause afterwards) [*] [b][NEW][/b] TextEditor: Added an option to lock the current frame, accessible by right-clicking the reset button mid-simulation [*] [b][NEW][/b] TextEditor: Added automatic indentation for repeat blocks [*] [b][NEW][/b] TextEditor: Added multi-line comments, syntax: /* comment */ [*] [b][NEW][/b] TextEditor: Allow characters: '?', '*' and '#' [*] [b][NEW][/b] Tool Window: Added more detailed information about velocity & hook [*] [b][NEW][/b] Tool Window: Added Option to show the current velocity vector [*] [b][NEW][/b] Tool Window: Added Option to show the current hook's raycast [*] [b][NEW][/b] Tool Window: Added a ruler tool [*] [b][NEW][/b] Added a quick options menu to the ESC-Menu [*] [b][NEW][/b] Added an option for how often the simulation frames are saved per second [*] [b][NEW][/b] Additional Keybinds for stepping through frames when paused: PageUp/PageDown [*] [b][NEW] [/b]Added a time column to the script loading menu [*] [b][NEW][/b] Added ability to adjust any slider by mouse-scrolling [*] [b][NEW][/b] Added 'falling' condition for wait/repeat, which is triggered when the bot is moving downwards [*] [b][NEW][/b] Added some icons to table action buttons [*] [b][CHANGE][/b] -tickrate command can now only be used once at the start of the script and no longer accepts custom values [*] [b][CHANGE][/b] Increase energy orb's speed when picked up and traveling to the portal by 30% [*] [b][CHANGE][/b] Wait seconds/frames commands now have minimum values [*] [b][CHANGE][/b] Massively improved particle performance [*] [b][CHANGE][/b] Improved 'stopped' condition: now also triggers if the bot is running into a wall or its velocity has been flipped [*] [b][CHANGE][/b] Improved performance when lots of commands are called in fast succession [*] [b][CHANGE] [/b]Improved overall update performance [*] [b][CHANGE][/b] TextEditor: Allow skip-points to be placed & removed while the simulation is running [*] [b][CHANGE][/b] TextEditor: Decrease Undo/Redo cooldown [*] [b][CHANGE][/b] Allow particle amount slider set to 0 [*] [b][CHANGE][/b] Tool Window: velocity is now displayed in u/s [*] [b][CHANGE][/b] Improve Basic1's intro text [*] [b][CHANGE][/b] OSX: Change most CTRL shortcuts to use CMD instead [*] [b][REMOVE][/b] 'orbpickup' condition for repeat command [*] [b][REMOVE][/b] TextEditor: special cursor when on a number [*] [b][FIX][/b] Ghost simulation desync [*] [b][FIX][/b] Not being able to step back to the first frame of a simulation [*] [b][FIX][/b] Simulatenous scrolling in Tool Window vs. zooming in-game [*] [b][FIX][/b] Level Selection blackscreen when the client is waiting for server data [*] [b][FIX][/b] UI-Scaling for resolutions bigger than FullHD (4K!) [*] [b][FIX][/b] Portal charge visual not updating when reversing the simulation [*] [b][FIX][/b] Introbot not exploding properly [*] [b][FIX][/b] Weird window repositioning errors [*] [b][FIX][/b] Hook retracting beyond the bot at very low tickrates [*] [b][FIX][/b] Too long say text crashing the game [/list] [h2]Re-Verification[/h2] Since there were some script-breaking and time-altering changes, all of the existing scripts had to be verified. The results of this are as follows: [b]Changes to 'stopped' condition:[/b] => 1002 changed => 198 deleted [b]Changes to '-tickrate' command:[/b] => 990 changed => 3121 deleted [b]Energy orb speed-up:[/b] => 11955 changed [h3]Hope you'll enjoy & thanks for playing![/h3] Cheers, Lele