Create havoc in this ricocheting arena shooter where precise trick-shots are king. Master a variety of unique weapons and work with your team in challenging levels to achieve victory over your opponents.
Hey Bankshotters, Version 0.12 is now available to play. We planned for this update to be even bigger before releasing it but we have some changes that we are too eager to keep to ourselves so we're going to roll out part of what we've got in store for you with the BOT update. We would also like to quickly plug our official Discord server ( Our server is another avenue that you can use to report issues, give feedback, or find players for games, so if you're interested you can join us there. You can find notes about the changes introduced in this update below.
Full Change List:
[Added] Bots to multiplayer matches
[Added] New player death animations & gore giblets
[Added] More host lobby options
[Added] In-match administration menu
[Added] New Trenchgun UI
[Added] More player settings
[Added] New menu music track
[Added] First person weapon sway
[Added] First person player shadow
[Added] Indicators for players to see what projectiles they own
[Added] Player ready-up options
[Updated] Grenadier Rifle projectile
[Updated] Existing maps with new visuals, textures and lighting
[Updated] Pincer level with new fan turbine mechanisms
[Updated] Horseshoe level geo to direct more projectiles into the pipe hazards
[Updated] Aspect and resolution scaling
[Updated] Game colour pallet
[Updated] Lobby UI
[Updated] Weapon select UI
[Updated] Lobby browser to show more server information
[Updated] Font characters to be clearer
[Updated] Match netcode
[Updated] Projectile shield colour to differ from player shield
[Fixed] Players sometimes not taking the full damage of direct shots
[Fixed] Sticky projectiles not always sticking to players
[Fixed] Chat messages not to show unneeded information
[Fixed] Client disconnection being unnecessarily delayed when the host closes the match
[Fixed] Missing connection state popup messages
[Fixed] Score being counted after a match is in the ending state
[Fixed] Kill-feed displaying the shooter and the assistant the wrong way around
[Fixed] Decals sometimes not disappearing when reaching the limit
[Fixed] Certain decals facing the wrong direction
[Fixed] Unfocused window weirdness
[Fixed] Environmental triggers not working for clients
[Fixed] Player falling velocity being kept landing on sloped surfaces
[Fixed] Clients sometimes not being removed from the scoreboard after disconnecting