Bootleg Steamer Patch 1.0.2

Bootleg Steamer

In this rogue-like game, you embark on your journey as a captain during the tumultuous American Prohibition. Overcome challenges like inclement weather, relentless Coast Guard pursuit, shrewd Mafia dealings, and your own financial pitfalls, all while ensuring your path to wealth remains unhindered.

[h1]Ahoy there, Bootleggers![/h1] We're pleased to release a new patch for Bootleg Steamer that addresses some of the feedback we've received since the game launched in April. [h2]Patch 1.0.2 Notes:[/h2] [list][*]We've added hotkeys to improve the gameplay experience. [list] [*][b]ESC[/b] or [b]Q[/b] now opens the logbook (pause menu). [*][b]M[/b] or [b]R[/b] now brings up the map. [*][b]E[/b] or [b]F[/b] now allow you to interact with locations. [*][b]I[/b] now opens a keybind reference sheet. [*]Number keys [b]1-0[/b] now activate relevant abilities. [*][b]ESC[/b] now also allows you to back out of gameplay menus.[/list] [*]The game is now compatible with widescreen monitors.[/list] [h3]Bug Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed an issue that caused some ability tooltips to be missing. [*] Added a location to sell ore in Ramsey Bend. [*] Added a location to buy ore in St Mary's River. [*] Some jet streams have been tweaked to avoid collisions with static ships or the environment. [*] Fixed an issue that would cause AI boats to cluster on the map and get stuck. [*] Fixed an issue that would allow players using the Teutonic ship to exit the map boundary. [*] Fixed an issue that caused crewmate hire costs to not display. [*] Leonardo DaPinchi's ability now works as intended. [*] Fixed a UI issue that caused factory menus to overlap when playing the game windowed (5:4). [*] Fixed an issue that would cause the wrong current region to be shown in the pause menu. [*] Opening the map or pause menu now also pauses loading, offloading, and factory restocking. [*] Fixed an issue in the logbook that would show ticks next to captain unlock challenges, even if the player has not yet completed the challenge. [/list] Thank you for all of your reports and feedback! We know there are still some issues and bugs to squash, and we are working hard to fix these in our next patch. [h2]Known Issues:[/h2] [list] [*] We are aware that players are still experiencing performance issues when trying to play the game. This is a high priority fix for us that we hoped to release in patch 1.0.2, but it's unfortunately taking longer than anticipated to resolve. Please be assured we are working on it and will release a fix as soon as possible that will improve performance! We're sorry if this has affected your ability to play the game, and we appreciate your patience while we work on a fix. [*] We're also aware that occasionally coastguards will spawn on land ([i]or sometimes in the air...?![/i]) We'll tell them to lay off the moonshine and get them behaving normally in an upcoming patch. [/list] If you have any more feedback or bug reports, please continue to let us know so we can keep making the necessary improvements to Bootleg Steamer to make it as enjoyable as possible. We have dedicated channels in our [url=]Discord[/url] for feedback and bug reports. Thank you again for playing Bootleg Steamer, and good luck with your rum-running adventures!