Bonus content added \o/

Unluckily in Love

A cute boys love / BL / yaoi visual novel about a slowly developing romantic relationship between a couple of cousins.

Hi everyone! I'm just going to reiterate a post I made on this topic earlier so it'll reach more eyes! I'm writing this announcement to let you know that I've released a free update for [i]Unluckily in Love[/i]. This update adds a bonus scenario which can be unlocked after finishing the main game (if you've read the story already, you might need to play through the end of the story again to trigger it). This bonus story is pretty cute and comedic. It's about 30k words long (if you include the optional r18 scenes) and it adds 10 new CGs into the game and a few new achievements. If you downloaded the adult patch already, you will need to redownload it for the update, as the old patch is not compatible with the new version of [i]UIL[/i]. In addition to this, I also fixed up a few typos in the main game which were pointed out to me by an eagle-eyed reader, so thank you for that! As always, please feel free to let me know if you've encountered any bugs in the new build (or any typos) and I'll try to fix them in a reasonable time period! - ebi x