Bomber 3: Instructions

Bomber 3

Put yourself in the captain’s seat of a B-17 bomber, select your plane, select your crew and plot your path over war-torn Europe. Watch your elevation, watch your formation, and watch very carefully when you are over the target. This classic was a bestseller in the early 1990s.

We are happy to announce that Bomber 3 is now available for you to play. Bomber 3 was originally developed using Hypercard and we have preserved the way in which you interact with the game in the release we have for you today. This game was influential for many crew and flight simfans and predated the Flying Fortress games that many of us are more familiar with. [b]An instructional Overview[/b] This Devblog will give you an overview of how to interact with the game. [b]New Game[/b] Clicking on new game will reset all previous progress and pilot records. Whilst this might not be intuitive by todays standards, we have preserved this as it was how the game functioned originally. [b]The Pilots Logbook[/b] To interact with the logbook you will need to click on it. In the logbook you can add the name of your pilot, by clicking the vacant space beside the pilots name. Once you have added the name of your pilot, click anywhere on the page you will be taken to screen showing multiple B-17 Bombers that you can choose from. Click on the Bomber you wish to take into action. [b]Briefing Scene [/b] This scene will outline the target, flight path and potential dangers you may encounter on your mission. Click anywhere on the map to skip this scene once you have finished watching. [b]Loadout Scene [/b] Within this scene you can adde Fuel and Bombs to your aircraft by clicking on the plus sign beside it. When choosing fuel loads keep in mind the following historical numbers. Do not go over 65,500 LBS if possible. The game will give you an overweight warning if you do. 1,700 gallons was the standard amount fuel carried by a B17, but you could carry up to 3,600 Gallons in tanks distributed around the aircraft. You need to balance your fuel and bombs so that you can best achieve your mission. [b]The Cockpit Scene[/b] Your goal in this scene is to make your way to the certain waypoints and complete your mission. Listen out for instructions on heading and ensure you are at the correct altitude when it comes time to make your bombing run. To help you understand the cockpit and how you interact here are a few important instruments. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43121697/eb7a130558f5ca95bde675906a90f2781f074f78.jpg[/img] [olist] [*] Crew Stations -Tail, Ball, StWaist, PtWaist, Ttur are all turret locations that are only accessible when fighter aircraft are attacking -Bom: Becomes available when you are at the correct altitude over the target. -Nav: Will open a navigation map at any time, your aircraft is represented by the blue line, your squadron is represented by the red line. It is advised that you have them in front of you before you click on Nav as this will scale time. [*] Mission Orders and Mission Guidance -Hovering the mouse over the papers will give you information on the mission -Clicking on the button to the right of these papers will allow you to ask your navigator for directions to Target, Base, Group and Checkpoints. [*] Steering column. -Click and drag the mouse up and down to adjust your heading [*] Your Current Air Speed [*] Current heading [*] Oxygen, Heater, Gear -Click on Gear to raise or lower the landing gear -Click on Heater when you are at higher altitudes -Click on Oxygen when you are at higher altitudes [*] Current Altitude [*] Status of each of your aircrafts engines. [*] Throttle -Click the upper part of the Throttle to increase speed -Click the lower part of the Throttle to decrease speed [*] Altitude Lever -Click the upper part of the lever to ascend -Click the lower part of the lever to descend [*] Fuel Gauge [/olist] The Big “E” button will give you the option to bail out of the aircraft. [b]The Bombing Scene[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43121697/ca457501387aad96f672fc03d1c2fa9a087bd55f.jpg[/img] [olist] [*] This is a map showing the bombing target [*] This is the terrain directly below you as seen through the bomb sight [*] Clicking on this button will release the bombs [*] Moving this lever will adjust the flight path of the aircraft so you can best line up your target [/olist] [b]Good Luck out there[/b] Thanks for taking the time to read through this blog post and I hope that these instructions will help guide you to your target.