Boats & Builders

The Giant of Torridge Island

Help or hinder Torridge Island as you take control of a Giant in this sandbox of villagers, wildlife and natural disasters. Will the villagers praise you and beg for your return in the morning, or pray that you never reappear.

The Villagers on the island have been hard at work improving their abilities for this new update! [u][b]Boats:[/b][/u] Boats can only be built by blue villagers, however any colour villager can use them by simply putting a villager in the boat and then placing them in the ocean. Blue Villagers will begin to fish while red villagers will sail to and from the island dropping presents at any port they land on. Once both finally return back to shore they may struggle with finding their way home if their village isn’t close by, so make sure to either help them back or set up a new village when they arrive. Boats are fragile, so if the Giant gets in the way of a boat the villagers are at a great risk of drowning so be careful! [u][b]Builders:[/b][/u] The way building works in [i]The Giant of Torridge Island[/i] has been completely reworked, giving you more control over what gets built. Villagers still need to gather both wood and stone resources before attempting to build, however their capacity to find these on their own has been improved. Once space has been made to build rather than simply setting up the scaffolding and walking off, you can now actively see the villagers working on the project. [b]Multiple villagers can now work on the same project[/b], with each builder added making the end result bigger and better. Here’s a key of current buildings and how many villagers are required to build them: Red Villagers: 1 builder: Farm (can now be built in all biomes) 2 builders: House 3 builders+: Windmill Blue Villagers: 1 builder: Boat 2 builders+: Igloo Now that this new system is in place, expect more potential buildings to be added soon! Some unfortunate news: [i]Taddiport[/i] and [i]Shebbear[/i] are being removed as maps as once again there are problems with the new mechanics being implemented into them. The plan is for them to be remade completely once app game mechanics have been finalised. [i]Challenge mode[/i] is also being temporary disabled, however this is due to it being completely reworked for a future update, however it is currently not playable by the time this update goes live, sorry about that. [b][u]Other Patches:[/u][/b] [list] [*] Days now last 15mins rather than 10mins [*] Fixed issue where villagers wouldn’t die when drowning while creating a new village [*] New sound FX’s [*] Presents no longer include the old tree models. [*] Fixed issue where stars and tears would be blocked from view [*] Buildings and villagers drop stone when destroyed. [*] Updated Encyclopedia. [*] Tweaks to and more lines of narration. [/list]