Bloodwash- Patch 01


A serial killer is terrorizing the city, and Sara's deadbeat boyfriend hasn't done the laundry. Can Sara survive a late-night trip to the laundromat, or will the Womb Ripper perform an early delivery?

[h1]Additions[/h1] [list] [*]Added a V-Sync Option to the camera options Menu. [*]Added a Lock-Framerate and Target Framerate options to the camera options menu. This requires V-sync to be turned off. [*]Added an option to invert vertical camera controls under Camera Settings [/list] [h1]Bug Fixes[/h1] [list] [*]Chatterbox achievement fixed Unfortunately no previous progress counts towards this. But the good news is that it no longer relies on talking to everyone in a single playthrough! So if you miss someone in the plaza now, you no longer need to play through the intro again. [*]Can no longer get stuck playing Gametoy Some people were getting stuck playing the gametoy and couldn’t exit. This was happening because they were accidentally unequipping the gametoy while playing. This can no longer occur. [*]Version number on the title screen With this patch we are at version 1.0.1. [*]Rapidly firing the gun in Chapter 3 should no longer knock you out of bounds We weren’t able to replicate this, but are pretty sure it’s caused by the gun incorrectly having a collider. We removed this but please let us know if you still encounter this issue. [*]Player can no longer run back up stairs during the final encounter. This was an issue as the Womb Ripper couldn’t run up stairs. [*]Adjust collision in Chapter 3 vents At least one player reported being able to get out of bounds here but we were not able to replicate the issue. [*]Fixed issue where you couldn’t call the Call-Girl on subsequent playthroughs As a side-note. The call-girl is not required for the Chatterbox achievement [*]Fixed issue where custom controller mapping would not save. [/list]