Blanc Patch Notes


Blanc is an artistic cooperative adventure that follows the journey of a wolf cub and a fawn stranded in a vast, snowy wilderness. They must come together in an unlikely partnership to find their families.

[b]Version 131[/b] Blanc patch version 131 is now live. Please see the notes below on all the changes that have been made. [h2]General[/h2] [list] [*] In 4:3 resolutions, keyboard controls are no longer cut off [*] Fixed an issue where the main menu was difficult to navigate and missing the 3 play options, and prompts such as to exit the game are no longer missing [*] Overall improvements have been made to the main menu and pause menu, including navigation with a D-pad, general unresponsiveness, and online UI improvements in character selection and pause menu [*] Overall fixes to game crashing or being unable to start, such as when alt-tabbed [/list] [h2]Connectivity[/h2] [list] [*] Resolved an error found when after exiting an online lobby, the user was no longer able to create subsequent game lobbies for the same setup/account [*] Overall fixes were made to character, UI and other displays when playing in online multiplayer [*] When an online game mode is selected without an internet connection, the error message has been fixed from reading ‘no friends on the list’ to a more accurate error message [*] Playing a local online game should no longer set it to a non-functional solo mode [*] Fixed an issue when an online game is interrupted by loss of internet connection, reselecting the online game mode (while still not online), the friends list was still appearing as normal [/list] [h2]Controls[/h2] [list] [*] Default keyboard control scheme has been set to WASD [*] Full custom keyboard remapping has been added to the game [*] While using a keyboard, scrolling in the pause menu and options no longer scrolls 2 at a time [*] The controls submenu navigation has been improved [*] Fixed issues found when the keyboard is bound as the primary controller scheme with a gamepad plugged in, the prompts in menus were gamepad prompts instead of keyboard, and the tutorial prompt to move showed joystick icons [/list] If you have played or are playing Blanc and run into any issues, please check our [url=]Common Issues and FAQ[/url] or [url=]submit a support ticket to our Customer Support team[/url] and we would be happy to look into it for you.