Birthright Cataclysm - Overture - A list of 2021 Updates

Birthright Cataclysm - Overture

A shamelessly difficult and strange RPG aimed at speed runners and masochists, or anyone who enjoys a bizarre and deep story. Birthright Cataclysm - Overture marks the beginning of a new series by Hisoka.

With Birthright Cataclysm Overture's release now being established, I wanted to give an update to explain what's coming and what to expect. - The RPG Maker Default assets are being worked on in order to be completely replaced. One by one. This will take time. I am fully aware of how disappointing it is to constantly see these default assets and rather basic graphics being used, while RPGMKER games on Steam are held to a higher standard. - Secondly, I want to fix the maps, stages and lack of linearity of the game. Stages will not force any decision or path on the player, but will be better structured from now on. - Thirdly, I want to change the default dialogue style, from rectangles containing text with face expressions to fully rendered portraits of the characters. - Lastly, I want to improve the combat system, and give more depth to the game in general. The combat is most likely the game's weakest asset, and I want to fix that.