Biped 2 Dev Diary. P2

Hey there, adventurers ! We've got another update on the upcoming game Biped 2. Today we’re going to show you a selection of new game mechanics. You’ll face plenty of unfamiliar obstacles and dangers, but don’t worry! You’re definitely equipped to meet these challenges in co-op or single-player mode. 1. Swinging Balls Swinging balls are an obstacle you’ll have to evade. Every ball swings at the same pace, but in order to slip past one, you’ll need to plot your trajectory with great precision. Adventurers might find themselves on rough terrain that hinders their movement, but if you work together, you can power through. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35776792/4078a09dde8342b25cbe54725b5471e63626246d.gif[/img] 2. Move and Freeze Some of you might find this mechanic familiar from party games you played as kids. Adventurers will have to make their way past hovering air elementals. As soon as any adventurer enters the area underneath an elemental, they’ll have a few seconds to freeze in their tracks. A special timer will indicate the remaining time. If an adventurer fails to freeze fast enough, they will be teleported back to the start of the level. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35776792/e57e18cb98c6b22ea802dab75703b5eaf1e42c1c.png[/img] Sentinel Elementals may be positioned differently, flanking the platform the adventurers are trying to traverse. When this happens, the "freezing zone" will be rectangular rather than circular. Aside from that, the mechanic remains the same: just freeze before time runs out! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35776792/bcd400945aab057aa5094fa43bc5ffb3c39a69e3.png[/img] 3. Tornado Tornadoes occasionally appear on a level, threatening to trap an adventurer inside. To get out of a tornado, move your feet while facing away from the center of the tornado, or else turbulence will launch you in a random direction. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35776792/017dabbadca0ad61be4b9e7d738438f435be15d2.png[/img] 4. Floors and Ceilings In order to traverse this portion of the level, adventurers will have to use sticky platforms located above and below them. Naturally, aside from agility, they’ll also need teamwork — one adventurer will serve as the team’s "legs," walking on the platform, leaving the other free to pick up and interact with items. But be careful — whenever the "floor" and "ceiling" switch places, the adventurers' will instantly be reversed. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35776792/15a083bedd34c427562458ff0f2a0a6d65cdb61d.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35776792/3f96f9dd1d3c23054215a17e52671c9e59ed3e75.png[/img] That’s all for now! Stay tuned, and be sure to wishlist Biped 2! We’ll be back soon with more details about your upcoming adventures. See you later, bipeds! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35776792/0830b8a88c2227f8a1de2302f2816894876a1e00.gif[/img]