Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation

A shoot-em-up of macro proportions! When giant anime girls invade the galaxy, only one man is able to stand against them and put things right- a pizza guy with a pilot's license.

This update represents 6 months of hard work. Many systems, flows, and scoring methods have been revised, and we hope it improves everyone's experience! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42864193/8f0cc523ca942d7d6cffec91be17c397babbffdc.gif[/img] [list] [*] Game Flow Update [*] 100% Stage Rewards [*] Dr. Unit Private Gallery [*] Shot Addon [*] EMP System [*] Silver Globe enemies are vulnerable to the new EMP attacks [*] Controller-related bug fixes [*] Network bug fixes [*] Achievements bug fixes [*] Stage scores update [/list] If you like our game, please spread the word!!! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42864193/bd4032cfae75fd1e0a07a0ed012cd38d49950082.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42864193/c9fda805d60ce29788ca5b33c919bd7bbf7aea0a.gif[/img]