Big update for you focused on new content and quality of life

[h3][u][b]Hello Special Investigators from the Sentinel Agency![/b][/u][/h3] We have a big update for you: New content: [list] [*] Added new drivable Golf Cart! [*] Added companion and main story character Rico Orsato [*] Added main story characters Joseph Foster & Emilio Sanchez [*] Added new weapon: M16A1! [*] Added new chest for your personal storage in the Safe Rooms [*] Added new red buttons that allows you to open the gates of the Safety Locks to drive through with the vehicles [*] Added more items into the maintenance buildings [*] Added more enemy spawners for big dangerous dinosaurs [*] Added new rooms for Restaurant Colina [*] Added two new Key Cards [/list] Adjustments and improvements: [list] [*] Improvement of the dinosaur pathfinding system [*] Improved the animation programming of the dinosaurs [*] Added a simple "Push away" function inside the NPCs to avoid them to block the players way [*] Changed mouse Inputs of the Inventory, drag&drop is now bound to the left mouse button and right click for using/consuming items [*] Added tooltips for stack splitting [*] Adjust the attack range from the dinosaurs [*] Adjust enemy spawners on the Restaurant Playa & Maintenance F & Administration [*] Adjust UI graphics of repair bench and the shop [*] Adjust the NPC locations in the safe room [*] Adjust the weather for more sunny days and cloudy nights are brighter [*] Changed wall textures of the Maintenance buildings [*] Wasili's Shop have now adjusted products [*] GPS now have a map and a clock [*] Added itemslots for Leather Jacket [/list] Bug fixes: [list] [*] Fixed that NPC's stuck sometimes in door frames [*] Fixed that NPC's don't stay in the safe rooms [*] Adjusted the Automatic Door feature so they recognize NPCs that are following the player as well [*] Fixed that sometimes human AI want to shoot through walls [*] Fixed that the helicopter burns after intro [*] Fixed that the player skin is visibile through the clothes [*] Fixed that some equipped bags were on the ground. [*] Fixed two icons of legendary weapons [*] Fixed a bug with the music slider in the settings menu [*] Adjust some meshes and fixed some Z-fightings on the hotel [*] Fixed that is gunfire in the intro [*] Fixed if "Hide UI" is on that you can see the damage text and hit marker [*] Fixed that grenades makes no damage [*] Player don't glitch into the dinosaurs anymore [/list] Thank you all for your constructive feedback!