š¯„¢Gaia's Melody II: ECHOED MEMORIES

Echoed Memories is a dark psychological love story, with character development, understanding and acceptance at its core. It holds a balance of bright and cheerful to emotional and depressing, and follows the protagonists as they come to terms with their traumas.

HEY GAME MAKERS! AND GAMERS! AND YOU! If you haven't checked it out, GMEM1 (Gaia's Melody 1 Echoed Melodies) just recently had a pretty substantial update, and I plan to do the same with this game, its sequel! While a lot of the new exciting features I added to the first game are already present in this game (mostly the QoL stuff like quicksave), there are plans to introduce several Big Additions to Echoed Memories in the new year! Busts~ These prompted the entire update! I'll be adding bust graphics to the message windows (graphics that display more of the character graphic than just their faces) This was added to GMEM1 as well. I'm super excited about these as the characters change costumes a lot during the plot, and I'll be nice get to show more of them off! Current progress here: All the graphics are made and set up. A full playthrough is required to add compatibility alterations (Because Doken is very tall and his head likes getting cut off now! And various other small adjustments) Victory Screen~ Revising it to match the new GMEM1's, however it'll be designed just a bit different - I removed the char images from it and got the camera working the way I initially wanted it. I'm not entirely sold on if I enjoy this sequence more or not, but at least it's better than that awful one-windowed screen >o< Minor Fixes~ Here's the current changelog, but expect more because gamedev xD -fixed a bug where ally raid wanted to get learned over and over again -changed an option description that thought it was cool enough to be another autosave -made hardmode more reasonable -removed keyboard input settings because it was bugged and added wasd in addition to the default schematic -added a list in options of all the keyboard commands (including Fkeys and Quicksave/Trigger buttons) Wholeheartedly surprised "fixed a typo" or "fixed miki wanting to be niki" hasn't made the list yet! SOMETHING NEW!?~ Full disclosure I'm still debating on this; as opposed to the first game, this game only has the world map use a minimap (instead of also exteriors and dungeons) I know this was a small letdown (to myself included!) At the time, adding them in wasn't a feasible option for me. AND I THINK THAT'S STILL PROBABLY THE CASE BUT there's a possibility I can probably add them in if I decide it's worth it. It's a lot of tedious grind work, which is something I actually enjoy, but setting up individual map images is just not an efficient option for them (minimap + fullmap that is). I've dabbled with doing a region ID set up, which draws the map automagically based on that, but it... it didn't feel fitting to me. If Minimaps are added, I'm also unsure if plot indicators will be added. My main goal for considering this it to make it more clear where to go in certain spots (and for players to be able to remember it later), so other alternatives I was toying with include: -A story journal (added to the menu, or perhaps a separate key to open, though I think I'm out of game controller buttons to use), would have a screencap-type image showing where to go and a small directive marker on what you're doing. -A directive notification that will make you aware of the new directive, and show again upon loading the game. For difficulty/overall timesink/workload, this would definitely be the easiest to implement, though it would also be the least useful. What this means and where I'm at~ I'm taking the rest of the year off to work on some small unrelated projects while I decide the best solution for improving player navigation (within reason of my sanity vs clingy toddler time lol, she sits at my desk to hang out with me while I'm working it's so cute!!!) I sort of need to establish that before I can continue my current testplay (I think I'm 3 chapters in). I don't have a specific date in mind to be finished yet; my eyes are doin' weird lately so my capabilities right now are kind of up in the air and I'd like to get some of my more visually-heavy obligations done before my vision gets to unusable levels (Currently doing graphics for my brother's game, Endless Melody something something angels I'd post a link but I'm too tired to go grab one right now OwO). Still a bit burnt out from running through the first game, too! xD Hopefully will come less than 3months-post-new year! Since you've made it to the end of this cute blurb, I love you and thanks for reading! Look forward to more update updates! ~Echo