Beta Update v0.99.30

Haunted: Attack of the Dead Men Playtest

I am pleased to announce the release of v0.99.30 of the beta for [i]Haunted: Attack of the Dead Men[/i]. This update adds the final map (finally!), the achievements menu and fixes a number of bugs. [h3]Full Release Notes for v0.99.30[/h3] [list] [*] Added (a complete) Map 15 [*] Added the in-game achievements menu. If you have played the beta or the demo before, you should see a bunch of achievements pop-up in the bottom right corner, which should also be visible in the menu (which can be found in "Extras" -> "Achievements") [*] Achieving ranks [i]C[/i] and [i]B[/i] on [i]Oberleutnant[/i] difficulty no longer requires perfect play and should be easier. Ranks [i]A[/i] through [i]H[/i] have remained as before [*] Blocking with the Shashka is now easier and can be done by holding down the alternate fire button [*] Boss healthbars no longer reset when loading a save [*] The start of Map 11 is now centred to focus on the elevator switch [*] The lab room in the corner of Map 12 no longer requires playing on [i]Feldmarschall[/i] difficulty to actually open it again [*] Fixed a number of out-of-bounds exploits across Maps 1, 3, 7 and 10 [*] The final room in Map 13 should be slightly easier on [i]Oberleutnant[/i] difficulty and below [*] The rain in Map 6 has been temporarily removed pending a proper fix to it clipping through buildings [/list] Some of these changes affect the demo, however the corresponding update to it is not yet ready. The demo will be updated in a couple of days once I've had the chance to test it more thoroughly.