Beta Update 25


UNITED COMMAND is a military base building real time strategy game with a 2 player co-op campaign. Drop into a mission and fight side by side with a friend against the enemy AI. Use your dozer to build out your base and gather resources to fund the construction of your tanks, infantry, and aircraft.

This week's update is here! Primarily continued work on the the visual development of the "Ireland" map: -Added CrateMilitary prop placeholder -Added security rails to roads -Created RockCommon prop presets -Created CratesMilitary Model and Prefabs -Created new civilian building prefabs -Changed plant detail size -Changed RedMilitaryCrate Material -Added new Environmental Cubemap texture -expanded EnemyA base -Optimized road mesh -Optimized tree settings General visuals: - Added vignette, motion blur, depth of field and chromatic aberration to gfx settings. - Tweaked dozer and harvester materials. - Brightened Anti-Air building texture - Changed WindZone strength - Tweaked Abrams material - Fixed weapon materials on infantry blooming too hard - Reduced anti-air turrent emit (too much bloom) - Added trails to airstrike aircraft - Updated F16 model. Misc: - Updated credits screen General gameplay: - Can build dozers at FOB - Fixed rallypoint markers when building has been rotated. - Made default barracks rallypoint closer to barracks. - Added rallypoint markers to FOB, HQ, Refinery - Added another "builder position" to war factory to mitigate obstruction issue on map09