Beta Test Sign Ups for King of Crowns Chess


- discontinued - (please remove)

If you own a copy of AoF Chess Club, you are eligible to beta test "King of Crowns Chess" for free. We are having testing for our new chess game exclusive to our players. We want to make this game the best it can be and would also like your input as well. We would like to start testing in early or mid December. We have a lot of new additions to this new game version such as a new scoring and ranking system with trophies, titles and badges, an in game card collecting mini game and so much more. We have planned new template themes and a blitz server. You can check the link below for more info and vote if this is the type of game you would like to see on steam. If you would like to join our testing group, simply post in our open thread answering a few simple questions before testing begins. You can either copy and paste all questions to answer or just type in the choices you selected (a,b,c etc). *You must have "AoF Chess Club" in your inventory to join: