Hello Volunteers! Today we invite you to test the new Desolate combat system before the big free update launches.
[h2]Beta test: combo attacks, new punches and AI[/h2]
The purpose of the beta test is to test the combat system before it arrives in the next big update. To put it simply, you should just have a good fight with the madmen, using any melee weapon available and more, because now you can kick them too!
Testing takes place in two locations: in a special space in the open world (with boundaries for movement) and in the Desolate prologue, which you can fully complete.
[b][i][u]Important - backup your autosaves! Please note that the beta test may overwrite your autosaves - normal saves will not be affected. However, we advise you to make a backup copy of your saves and move them to another folder just in case. [/u][/i][/b]
[h3]A list of updates you can try and test:[/h3]
[*] Kicking. Now you can kick your opponent and thus either knock him away from you or break his block.
[*] Combo attacks. Click twice on the normal attack button (Left mouse button) and then immediately click on the kick (F button) - the opponent will receive increased damage and will be thrown away at a greater distance. Or you can start the attack with a kick and then click the left mouse button - the normal attack becomes stronger. Combo attacks only work if you have a melee weapon in your hand!
[*] Counterattacks. You can now repel attacks. To do this, press the left and right mouse buttons simultaneously.
[*] New hit animations. Pay attention to the camera sway during fights, and how enemy models react to a blow, especially when falling down. We've added more physics to their movements and reactions to blows.
[*] AI. We're working on the group intelligence of enemies. In this build, they don't just pounce on you in droves, but act tactically. While one is attacking you, the other is sidestepping or waiting for the right moment to do the most damage.
Anyone can participate in the beta testing of the new combat system from May 27 to 31.
[h2]How to participate in the beta test[/h2]
[b][i][u]Important - backup your autosaves! Please note that the beta test may overwrite your autosaves - normal saves will not be affected. However, we advise you to make a backup copy of your saves and move them to another folder just in case.[/u] [/i][/b]
[*] You need to have a purchased copy of Desolate in your Steam library.
[*] Go to your Steam library in your profile, find Desolate, right-click on it, and click "Properties.
[*] Select the "Beta Tests" tab.
[*] In the empty field for beta access codes, enter the key: combatbetatest
[*] Close the "Properties" window and wait for the game to update
[*] Turn on the game after it has been updated. Play Prologue or a new game - there will be a special test location with different weapons and enemies.
[h3]How to return the game from beta mode to the classic build:
[*] Go to your Steam library in your profile, find Desolate, right-click on it and click "Properties".
[*] Select the "Beta Tests" tab.
[*] Click on the Beta Tests tab and select no beta there
[*] Wait for Steam to update the game to its normal state
[h2]Feedback [/h2]
You can write your feedback in the comments below this news or on the Desolate Discord server: https://discord.gg/KHzf4cF8
Thanks for your help, volunteers!