Bass Defense: First Memorythms v1.0 has just released

Bass Defense: First Memorythms

In Bass Defense's rhythm-based and action-packed 'Soundwave' game mode, you must hit the correct buttons in time with the music to clear your NMYs and save your base with the help of your upgradable power-ups or your sense of rhythm. Try your luck and 5 memorythms in this free episode.

We've just released Bass Defense: First Memorythms v1.0, we hope you will enjoy it as much as we liked building it. [b]If you like the idea, see the potential, [url=]leave us a review[/url] and stay tuned, because the full version of [url=]Bass Defense - Rhythm Meets Strategy[/url] is coming on Steam on 19 Aug.[/b] If you have any issues or questions, contact us on Discord, Steam Community Hub or other social platforms. [url=]Steam Community Hub[/url] [url=]Bass Defense Discord Server[/url] [url=]WOMBEX Games YouTube channel[/url] [url=]WOMBEX Games on X[/url] [url=][/url] Have fun and clear many-many NMYs! ps. We did not forget score hunters so check your points on the leaderboards! Especially if you already beat the free version. psps. You can clear memorythms by playing without using any power-ups. It might or might not give you a small gift ːspazdunnoː Stay awesome, ːEdgarː