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D..." inertia> Bang bang! Serious Sam s Bogus Detour released | Serious Sam's Bogus Detour | Gamehypes

Bang bang! Serious Sam s Bogus Detour released

Serious Sam's Bogus Detour

Serious Sam’s Bogus Detour is an all-new action-adventure in the legendary Serious Sam saga from Hammerwatch developer Crackshell.

Devolver Digital and Croteam are continuing their experiments in throwing the Serious Sam name at small teams on condition that the resultant game in some way includes: 1) sand; 2) big guns; 3) screaming shirtless men with bombs for hands. This has previously given us such games as the gun-stacking side-scroller Double D and turn-based RPG The Random Encounter. Now Crackshell, the makers of Hammerwatch, have expanded that odd lineup with Serious Sam’s Bogus Detour [has launched]. It’s a top-down shooter with four-player online co-op and, of course, sand, big guns, and screaming shirtless men with bombs for hands.

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