Baggage Inspector - Patch 1.1

Baggage Inspector

Baggage inspection! The words every traveller dreads to hear! Only this time, you're not the traveller, you're the inspector. Sounds exciting? No? Ah, if only you knew the things people put in their baggage! Now you can, in this casual VR-supported work simulator.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44880844/a580bc4f68f1df939d090f0a5ae869b8067b6a13.jpg[/img] [b]Welcome, Inspectors![/b] [b]We’re making some adjustments at our Interplanetary Transfer Station to ensure your day-to-day work goes smoothly. Here are the patch notes for Version 1.1:[/b] [olist] [*][b] Button Adjustments (Non-VR Mode)[/b][list][*] Shortened the button hold time from 2 seconds to 1 second. [*] After the first button click, the progress bar now fills to 20%. [*] If you unclick the button, the progress bar slowly decreases instead of instantly going to 0. [*] Double-clicking the button confirms the action[/list] [*] [b]Main Menu Particle Dispersion[/b] - Reduced the particle dispersion effect caused by cursor movement. [*] [b]Stability Improvements[/b] - Adjusted implementation details for a more stable gameplay experience [*] [b]Luggage Cover Mechanism[/b] - Changed the mechanism for keeping luggage covers closed, aiming for smoother integration with the Physics system [*] [b]Elevator Audio Fix[/b] - Repaired the audio-generating logic preventing perpetual clicking noise [*] [b]Additional fixes[/b] - Fixed internal bugs and errors discovered during the first week of play. [/olist] [i]Good luck Inspector![/i]