Operation Hardcore is an action-packed 2D side-scrolling shooter inspired by classic twitchy action games of yesteryear, but with modern touches and conveniences.
I'm pleased to announce the first beta build in the Badass Bravado update! Build 111 includes the following:
[*] Faster player projectiles
[*] Proper pixel art animations for many of the VFX (player foot impact, fire, explosions, flamethrower, rocket thrusters, etc.)
[*] Various other visual improvements (improved particle effects, muzzle flash, backgrounds, etc.)
[*] More physics effects for explosions (i.e. launching debris, such as crate slats)
[*] By popular demand, explosions now hurt enemies (i.e. you can get an extra hit off by shooting a grenade as it's spawning from an enemy)
[*] No more "damage per second" stuff: everything does an even 25% damage to the player, with a brief invincibility period afterwards (much more predictable/fair)
[*]Seamless switching between keyboard/mouse and gamepad (single player only)
Known issues/caveats:
[*] 2 player has not yet been tested
[*] Switching between keyboard/mouse and gamepad does not update UI elements
[*] Save data format and location has changed, existing save data will not be preserved
[*] No Cloud Save for new format/location (yet)
You can find this in the beta branch, where I'll be working for the next little while.