Bacon May Die is now available to everyone

Iron Snout

Iron Snout is a fast, colorful and brutal fighting game in which you will be helping a piglet fight for its life against hordes of wolves.

Hello, snout kickers! You've been calling Bacon May Die a "dead game" for long enough and the shame of neither finishing it nor allowing anyone to play it finally got to me. So here you have it! Instead of Early Access, it's now available as [url=]free demo[/url]! [img][/img] [b]Warm up your arrow keys and jump right into it![/b] While I'm working on [url=]Card Hog[/url] (which you can also play for free), I will only be fixing most critical Bacon May Die issues and improving coop mode a bit, but feel free to swing by [url=]the community forums[/url] or [url=]my Discord[/url] and leave some feedback for the future! Honestly, I'm really interested in what you think about how it controls, since it's not what you'd expect from a side-scrolling beat'em up. Also you will find more information about this release and a short FAQ list in [url=]this thread[/url]. Enjoy! P.s. if you haven't done it already, you might want to purchase Snoutfit DLC soon. Just saying ːlunar2019piginablanketː And follow [url=]my Steam developer page[/url] to not miss any future releases. Cheers!