Ayre Version 1.2.3


Experience Dragon flying freedom in Ayre. Enjoy a relaxing flight listening to the wind whistle past you, or test your skills with acrobatic sky races hidden throughout the land. Discover the history of an ancient civilization. Figure out what's going on with this Crystal Comet.

[b]Ayre has been updated to version 1.2.3[/b] [b]New: [/b] [list] [*] Find and complete all 15 sphere puzzles! [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Many Performance Optimizations [*] Fixed intro post-processing [*] Fixed waterfall sounds [*] Tweaked post-processing values [*] Changed water to be less performance intensive [*] Updated languages [*] Removed keyboard sensitivity which never worked properly [*] Removed pose buttons from photo mode while on dragon or flying [*] Dragon stops hovering if you jump off in the air [*] Changed default quality to ultra [/list]