Axis Football 2019 version 2.7 is LIVE!

Axis Football 2019

Axis Football is an American football simulation featuring immersive gameplay, a deep franchise mode, and extensive customization.

Hi folks, I'm happy to announce that we've released Axis Football 2019 v2.7! This update had lots of game improvements and a few bugs fixes. Check it out! Game improvements [list] [*] Improved playcalling, specifically to balance the number of runs vs passes called by default [*] Added the ability to switch defenders within the same defensive group (DBs, LBs, DLs) - use the left and right bumper on your controller when on defense [*] Added an option in TEAM.TXT to specify how the team will handle run pass balance. Use the tags "PassingWeight" and "RunningWeight". These two numbers must be integers and combine to add up to 100 [*] Added collisions to the goal posts, so field goals and PATs can now hit them and bounce off more realistically [*] Added kicker power into the calculation of what it means to be "in field goal range" when the AI is deciding whether or not to kick a field goal [*] Allowed kickers with high kick power to kick it out of the back of the endzone [/list] Bug Fixes [list] [*] Improved the logic for kick accuracy for AI controlled kicks. Accurate kickers will now be more accurate, and less accurate kickers will be less accurate. [*] Improved the logic for punting so there will be more coffin corners for punters with high accuracy (regardless of kick power, which was causing too many punts to be touchbacks) [*] Fixed a bug where AI controlled kicks were more frequently missed from the left hash and made too frequently from the right hash [*] Fixed a bug where the offense would go for two sometimes when they were ahead but shouldn't have [/list] As usual, we'd love for you to join the Axis Football devs and community - - thanks for your continued support! Best, David