Axis Football 2018 Trailer and Steam Page Live!

Axis Football 2017

Axis Football is an American football simulation featuring massive customization and a complete franchise mode

Hi, folks! First, a big thank you to all of our supporters over the years! Your purchases help fuel the game and allow us to continue to make improvements! We're thrilled to announce that we have wrapped up development on Axis Football 2018 and are in the final stages of release. The official release date will be either 9/7 or 9/14 (we'll know in a few days when we get word from valve). Below is a link to the Steam store page for Axis 18, where you can check out the trailer and the list of new features and improvements! Make sure to click the follow button and/or add it to your wish list so you'll get notifications! Thanks again for your support and helping us grow this game. We're excited for you guys to get your hands on it! Best, -Danny Twitter (@AxisFootball) FB (@AxisGames)