Avicii Invector Encore Edition | Nintendo Switch | 8 Bit Bonus Song ◢◤

AVICII Invector

Soar through vocal melodies, sweep each fade and attack every beat in 25 of AVICII’s biggest hits, in this enthralling futuristic rhythm-action experience – AVICII Invector.

⁉️ DID YOU KNOW ⁉️ 3 years ago... We teamed up with chiptune musical maestros [url=https://www.youtube.com/@8BitUniverse/about]The 8 Bit Universe[/url] to recreate a wonderful rendition of 'Wake Me Up'. [previewyoutube=iv20nFtXbwk;full][/previewyoutube] Then we locked it away behind a cheat code in the Nintendo Switch version of Avicii Invector. Tim spent huge amounts of time in early development, talking about his love for gaming, he shared the same wonder for the early days of gaming and enthusiasm that we all did, and it was a driving force that led to his invention of the Avicii Invector project. Bringing Invector to Nintendo Switch, we wanted to make a fitting tribute both to an iconic artist, and that same passion and love of old-school cool that he shared. This is completely free – and in-game today, just hit ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ A on the main menu. Avicii Invector is currently discounted by 70% [url=https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/avicii-invector-switch/]USA Store.[/url] [url=https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-games/AVICII-Invector-1799482.html#gameDetails]EU store.[/url] Avicii forever ◢◤