Autumn update (3) New Content!

F’s in the chat, and on the screen! Welcome to our [i]third[/i] update! Learn what's new by reading our patch notes. This week we have new content. Get ready to update your channel for the holiday season! [h2]New features and content[/h2] [list] [*] Ornaments Bundle, are four stunning ornaments available in 24 unique styles. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45057817/3954a07be9245ebba2ab7f5f073d17641b4faa8f.gif[/img] [*] Sports VFX, put your balls on fire with a new trail VFX! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45057817/aa25a7f761298157f386dfa95c4b638b5a14174d.gif[/img] [*] Chat React Bundle, is a matching bundle for those classic chat reactions! GG! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45057817/4e45365fcf48bf7cdae3ffed2d762b0a4f5ad3b9.gif[/img] [*] Chat Reacts Animation, Crowd Surf those GG’s through the screen. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45057817/aa91568ffbcfa8e5eb57c332e7491c2d0f862a2f.gif[/img] [*] Christmas Animation, is that a giant snowball coming towards us? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45057817/f50fa446c5ddf522aacd933144b6f52f1550df33.gif[/img] [*] Put on some festive frames, and try the new gamification: POV [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45057817/6a72fa3f480165f5872ac072bfc1d8b1f60e67ec.gif[/img] POV will obstruct your vision with objects such as glasses, a helmet, or an eye patch yarrrrr... We only have a pair of party glasses, but we are expanding the project with more features, including VFX and SFX. [/list] We are working on the following updates/integrations [list] [*] Screen Alerts extension update [*] Shout Out interactions [*] Chat React VFX x2 [*] Chat React a second animation [*] Charity interactions [*] POV gamification [/list] Follow [url=][/url] to learn more. Thank you for your continuous support! If you have suggestions, leave a comment here or join our [url=]Discord[/url]!