Escape into a fun and beautiful world filled with the best mini golf courses you’ve ever seen! Play by yourself, meet someone new, or challenge your friends in a private game with up to 8 people. Extremely realistic physics create the perfect experience for hardcore golfers and casual players alike.
[/b]Slingshot mode is a new activity at Welcome Island’s driving range where you’ll find new modes to try. This new feature is free and already in-game today! No need to update your game just jump in and enjoy!
[/b]*Purchasable In-Game only. Will not be on platform store pages, must be at the Welcome Island menu to purchase.
Dance your cares away when you rock your favorite Fraggle avatar on your next mini golf adventure! Includes Gobo, Wembley, Red, Mokey and Boober.
A dedicated explorer, Gobo keeps excitement constantly flowing through Fraggle Rock and is the only one brave enough to venture out!
Have trouble making decisions? So does Wembley, but he's also the most positive, loyal friend you can have in Fraggle Rock, especially to Gobo, his bestest pal and cavemate!
The tireless engine for fun in Fraggle Rock, Red is athletic, dependable, an incredible diver and swimmer — always chasing the next big activity to get things moving!
A gentle, caring, artistic soul, in tune with the natural world and super aware of others feelings, Mokey is truly tapped into something special.
A sensitive, caring, incredible chef with a bit of a doomsday streak, Boober thrives on disaster prep and is always up for discussing the exciting world of cleanliness!