Attention, question: how do you feel about credits?

Knock on the Coffin Lid

Investigate your own death, find ways to break free from a time loop, chose a hero who will ascend to the throne and rule the Northern gate! The fates of whole nations of the land of Midian depend on your choices.

Greetings, players! As we approach the release, it's natural to consider the question of the credits. We decided to do something special: in KOTCL, the credits will become the final part of the narrative, presenting personal endings based on your playthrough and the decisions you made. What do you think of this idea? Let's discuss! Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. Do you watch the credits in games until the end? What do you think about post-credit scenes? What information would you like to know about the developers? We value your opinion and look forward to hearing your suggestions and feedback.