"As the world sank, I found you." In the near future, a sudden and unexplained sea rise has left much of human civilization underwater. In a little town slowly being enveloped by the ocean, an unforgettable summer is about to begin for a boy and a mysterious robot girl...
“ATRI -My Dear Moments-” will be confirmed into an animation.
Original Work: ATRI -My Dear Moments- (ANIPLEX.EXE)
Original Story: Asuta Konno (Frontwing)
Original Character Design: Yusano / Moto4
Director: Makoto Kato
Series Composition: Jukki Hanada
Animation Production: TROYCA
To commemorate the event, ANIPLEX.EXE Special Sale will be held from 9/25 AM0:00(JST)~.
During this period, "ATRI My Dear Mometns-" and "Adabana Odd Tales" will be discounted by 30%.
Please take this opportunity to purchase them!