Atlas Hot Fix v1.4

The Atlas Mystery: A VR Puzzle Game

Explore the haunted halls of the infamous Atlas Theater, a 1940’s era movie palace that played host to a shocking Hollywood tragedy. Solve intricate puzzles, discover startling artifacts, and evade sinister forces to uncover the twisted truth behind the theater’s dark history.

Hello Loyal Atlas Patrons, Building an VR indie game that is meant to function seamlessly on Meta Quest, Steam VR and Viveport is a challenge. There have been a few bumps along the road but we cannot stress how much we appreciate your notes and feedback. Many of you have taken the time to send us specific bugs and video captures that have led directly to these fixes. Thank you! There have been a few saving / loading issues where players have spawned in voids that we've addressed. Please take a look at the list below and message our development team if there's something you'd like added for our next patch. Additionally, many of you have pointed out the desire for [b]achievements[/b] and we have added some public and secret discoveries for players to find when they explore the Atlas. [list] [*] Made Elevator door open automatically when unlocked [*] Added safeguard to spawning outside of the map / endlessly falling into black void [*] Added Achievements! [*] Minor updates to hand position fixes [*] Fixed Jittering/stuttering at higher frame rates (PC ONLY) [*] Made sure Employee lounge door stays unlocked after loading [*] Minor clipping fixes [*] Fixed clue in lobby disappearing on load [*] Improved textures of a few puzzles (PC only) [*] Fixed flashlight working weirdly on load [*] Fixed lighting issue in auditorium on load [/list] We will continue to roll out updates for [i]The Atlas Mystery[/i] over the coming weeks. Thanks for your help and support!