Askaya: Remnants of Ajuna Early Access Release

Askaya: Remnants of Ajuna

Askaya: Remnants of Ajuna is a 3rd person adventure-RPG where players embark on a series of adventures that are generated through the roll of story dice. These dice rolls are interpreted by our custom AI system to generate a customized story, with unique settings, goals, and avenues to success.

Askaya - Short Term Roadmap While Askaya is releasing today to Early Access, we have always said this is a beginning, not an end. There were some unfortunate bugs that caused us to downsize a few things just before release, so we will be working hard to get those things fixed as quickly as possible. In addition, we will be working hard to fix/improve a few things that we are not currently happy with. We thank you for your patience and we value your feedback. We encourage you to join our [url=]Discord server[/url] and the Steam Discussions boards to let us know about any bugs that you encounter as well as what you’d like to see in Askaya. Immediately after our Early Access, we will be working hard on the following things (not necessarily in order of priority): [b]Main Story Generation[/b]: We ran into a few large bugs on our main story generation in the weeks before EA release and were forced to downsize some of the options for how the AI system generated the stories. These issues are resolved and it’s just a matter of providing corrected data to the system. We will be constantly updating this data so that there will be much more variety in the types of stories that are generated as well as new locations, antagonist (enemy) types, etc. There is a complex AI system behind the story generation and it feeds on data…we will be giving it a feast of information to generate new and unique stories for you to play out! This includes new types of quests, a wider variety of ways to complete the quest, etc. This is our top priority in the immediate weeks after EA release. Right now, there are basically two main quest types: Kill and Collect (get an item). Within a week or two, we should have things tied in for new types such as Interact (use an item, such as opening doors, burning objects, etc) and Recover (get a person or animal and they follow you back). We have the code in for other types of quests as well, including multi-step quests, but when we had to rewrite some of the core code, it broke all the data that drives it. The code is corrected and a small bit of data is corrected, but we chose to disable those options instead of just having one or two possibilities for each. Our top priority is getting that data updated and tying it all back in. It’s not what we wanted as our first show, and not what the system is capable of…but what it can do is coming very soon and we’ll continue to add to it. [list] [*] Enemy AI: We are not satisfied with enemy AI. We probably never will be, but we will continue to tweak basic AI, as well as how/when enemies use special abilities. This is especially true for boss types. And there are a ton more special abilities that are waiting in the wings for some polish and final artwork. [*] Shields: Shields will provide a defensive option when wielding 1H weapons. We really wanted shields to be ready, because they’re cool. But they just weren’t quite ready to go. We’re close though. [*] Shrines: These will provide the player with a way to move around the map relatively quickly by teleporting from one shrine to another. [*] Player Movement / Physics: We will continue to refine and hone player movement…especially jumping physics and how the player interacts with steep terrain. [*] Enemy Types: We have more enemy types and special abilities ALMOST ready to go…there will be a steady stream of additions with our regular updates. [*] Control Mapping and Controller support: Remapping of keys is coming soon(ish). As is full controller support. Technically, you can pretty much play the game with a controller now, but there are still a few things that you cannot use a controller for…and similarly, you can’t remap controller buttons yet. Soon(ish). [*] Equip Screen: I’m not happy with the layout of the Equip Screen and the information that it gives. It’s too hard to compare weapons and armor for upgrades, among other things. So this screen will be getting a makeover at some point in the near future. [*] Dice Rolls: Though it’s mostly cosmetic, we feel that it is important to the immersion of the game to show the dice rolls happening, instead of just having text on the screen saying what the dice rolls are. But being a one man operation and that one man being a programmer, not an artist, we are still working on getting together the artwork required. We’re almost there. [/list] This is quite a long list, but virtually all of these things are already in some state of completion. And for clarity this is NOT a list of things for a coming major update. These are things that will be trickling in with our regular small updates, bug fixes, etc, over the coming weeks. Our first major content update will be coming in a few months and it will feature a new map (the Vash Wastes). Our long term major update roadmap looks something like this: [list] [*][b]The Timeworn Sands Update[/b] (Q3 2022): Vash Wastes Map (desert themed) additional spells for all schools of magic [*][b]The Never Alone Update[/b] (Q4 ‘22 or Q1 ‘23): Combat and Vanity Pets, Stealth, Steam Achievements and Cloud Saves, new weapons [*][b]The Dead of Winter Update[/b] (Q2 ‘23): Chish Map (snowy mountains theme), any remaining spells not yet implemented [/list] Thank you all, Tom Founder, Lama glama Game Company