As Dusk Falls, one year on...

As Dusk Falls

Explore the entangled lives of two families across thirty years in an original interactive drama from INTERIOR/NIGHT. Starting in 1998 with a robbery-gone-wrong, the character's lives depend on the choices you make.

We can't quite believe it but today marks 1 year since the release of our debut title As Dusk Falls! It’s been a journey, and we’ve loved every second of it! From its inception nearly a decade ago through development and launch, until today - here’s a trip down memory lane from when it all started back in 2016… [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42315155/c827caff3f41238693ad84c2ed3a079dc4b42b52.png[/img] Over 45 people (and one very special dog!) joined us and brought a wealth of experience - from games, TV & film, and even the space program - to make As Dusk Falls a reality! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42315155/563785c8c69829a9bf35b62a25a97e3f6f1aab22.png[/img] 1200 pages of script, 15000 hand-painted frames and 40+ major crossroads later, As Dusk Falls launched exactly one year ago! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42315155/1dd27f5953ef81fed8d057f8870d17ec385813da.png[/img] Mindblowingly, since then we’ve been nominated for 36 Awards & have humbly taken 'home' 6 - including The Game Awards, MCV/Develop and Indie Pearls! Our deepest thanks to everyone who played, nominated and supported us over the last year! We’re still pinching ourselves! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42315155/69328e3286d6b981b65999441e0c9ad4f1302b4d.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42315155/f682e5f7d1ab15432634aa1f8f9f71694eac9bca.png[/img] Wow… what a year! Thank you for playing As Dusk Falls and spending time with the characters in Two Rock! We’ve poured our heart and soul into our first title and we’re forever grateful! ~ INTERIOR/NIGHT [h2]Follow us on social media:[/h2] Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: