Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace brings cardboard spookings to PC next year | Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace | Gamehypes

Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace brings cardboard spookings to PC next year

Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace

Inspired by the award-winning board game franchise, Arkham Horror: Mother’s Embrace is an investigation game served with turn-based combat, set in the cult universe of H.P. Lovecraft.

An unholy fight in an Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace screenshot.

Iä! Iä! The great wurm turns again, the cosmos lurch uncomfortably, and we awake anew with new faces and only fleeting memories of who we once were. Why, here comes news of Arkham Horror: Mother’s Embrace, a video game inspired by a popular Lovecraftian board game, Arkham Horror. Yes, yes, it was based on a different Lovecraftian board game when it was initially announced in 2018, Mansions Of Madness, but what does that mean now? The past is swallowed and we can never recover ourselves.
