Arcade Spirits v1.05

Welcome to version 1.05! This includes a few minor edits to the story for flow and pacing, a number of bugfixes, and some adjustments to the Iris tutorial. We're aiming to have one more patch coming up in a week or two which makes saving games between chapters a bit easier (right now when you reload the save you have to then click 'return') but wanted to get these fixes out the door sooner. Almost all typos are gone by this point -- if you still spot any, let us know![list][*]Upgraded to Ren'Py 7.2.0. [*]Minor pacing changes made to Levels 01, 03 and 05. We noticed in streams a few points where people stumble or the story drags, so we made some light edits. Nothing major or character-revealing was removed. [*]Naomi no longer wears her work apron to the beach or to the finale. [*]Clarified how 'flirting' works in the tutorial. [*]Adjusted the tutorial to choose showing/hiding indicators AFTER you've seen an example. [*]Typo fixes.[/list]